Language and lifestyle publications for people interested in the French language and culture in Belgium, France, Guadeloupe, Martinique and other French speaking territories.
FUSAC - Boulogne-Billancourt (Paris) FUSAC is well-known for ads offering employment, childcare and housing in the Paris region. In addition, FUSAC has ads & articles for all aspects of life in Paris: music, books, language courses, meeting places, services, interviews, practical information & much more all for English-speakers of Paris. Visit our website to learn more!
Also visit our website to learn about our books:
90+ Ways You Know You're Becoming French
Speak Easy Puzzles: for learning French and English idiomatic expression - publishes a monthly eNews, available FREE on subscription to
Magazine Langue et Cultures Françaises et Francophones (LCFF) - Montpellier Le premier magazine pour les francophiles francophones !
A la fois pédagogique et informatif, LCFF est destiné à tous ceux qui aiment lire en français. A travers ses pages, nous espérons nourrir votre goût pour la langue et les cultures françaises et francophones. Vous découvrirez ici une nouvelle façon de pratiquer le français autour de thèmes aussi variés que la littérature, le cinéma, la gastronomie, le tourisme, l'histoire, le sport, etc...
A Woman's Paris - Minneapolis A Woman's Paris is an online publication of commentary, criticism, essay, fiction, interviews and art featuring stories on popular culture in France, francophone countries and around the world. Recurring themes are fashion and beauty, including culture and cuisine, covering an eclectic array of topics with a French aesthetic published in English and French. Volunteer contributors from France, Morocco and the U.S.A assist. Subscription is free.
FRANCE TODAY - Bath With an expert team of journalists based throughout France, no other magazine offers you our unique insider’s perspective, or our timely, insightful—and delightful—coverage of French travel and culture. Each issue is filled with beautifully written and illustrated stories on Travel, Art & Culture, Food & Wine, Accommodation, Shopping & Entertainment, Fashion & Design, and Real Estate.
Our aim is to celebrate the “Best of France” with our influential readership.
FRANCE-AMÉRIQUE: Le Journal Français des États-Unis - FRANCE-AMÉRIQUE, Le Journal Français des États-Unis, is America’s largest French-language publication. Each monthly issue provides an extensive review of French current events and the latest trends, profiles of influential French personalities, an insider’s look at the French cultural scene, in-depth history features, and coverage of French life in the U.S. from coast to coast.
For more information, visit us at and ask for the Eurolingua subscription discount.
BEST CHOICE FRENCH COURSE - BEST CHOICE FRENCH COURSE the Eurolingua Institute is the best choice if you want a short intensive (1 to 4 weeks), professionally oriented French course with insights into French language and culture combined with social activities and local visits.
"Eurolingua - Français Langue Etrangère (FLE)" - Un groupe Eurolingua sur LinkedIn, consacré entièrement aux francophones et francophiles intéressés par l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère (FLE) et, éventuellement, d'autres langues étrangères, les séjours linguistiques à l'étranger, et tous les sujets correspondants.
The Herault Times & WoW - Pézenas WoW - THE number one website for Anglophones who live, or would like to live, in l’Herault region of southern France (Languedoc-Roussillon). Daily updates on events and delights in the area plus News, Travel, Weather and much more.