Type of Programme
One-to-One, personalised Italian tuition living full-board with the tutor's own family and in the tutor's own home, including local visits and excursions, meeting friends, neighbours and professional colleagues etc.
Type of House: Apartment - Italy

Teaching Qualifications and Experience
I hold a master degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Sciences and a PhD in Human Geography/Faculty of Education Sciences.
I have been teaching Italian language and culture for 15 years both for the Dante Alighieri Committee of Mondavio (Pesaro and Urbino) and as a private teacher.
Besides I was scholar and fellow professor of human geography at the Universities of Urbino, Macerata and Perugia (Foreigners' University).
Hobbies and Interests
I like reading, listening to my favorite music, watching series and movies in original version, swimming, running, meeting friends and making new friends, cooking, traveling in Italy and abroad (Europe, USA, Japan and Asia), studying new languages (Japanese, German and Croatian), relaxing..
The 9 squared meters room has been renovated very recently. It has a a large new sofa that turns with a very simple mechanism in a french size bed. There is a large wardrobe and a work desk. The room also has a large glass door, with electronic blinds, overlooking a beautiful panorama of the hills.
Excursions and Local Attractions
Pesaro is the capital city of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, considered the "beautiful province" and characterized by the presence of many medieval and Renaissance cities, natural parks on the sea and in the mountains, beautiful beaches, amusement parks, great restaurants and nightclubs. Pesaro, a city of Roman origin, is also the city of Gioachino Rossini, composer, and hosts the annual Rossini Opera Festival, an international event for opera lovers. Urbino, very close to Pesaro, is instead the birthplace of Raphael, one of the greatest painters of all time. Urbino has a wonderful old town, heritage of UNESCO, and houses the National Art Museum and a very ancient international University. Pesaro's ideal geographic position allows to visit by train, car or bus, a lot of nearby cities of the Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and Tuscany Regions such as Rimini, the Republic of San Marino, San Leo , Ravenna, Bologna, Ferrara, Arezzo, Siena, Florence, Perugia, Gubbio.