Type of Programme
One-to-One, personalised Italian tuition living full-board with the tutor's own family and in the tutor's own home, including local visits and excursions, meeting friends, neighbours and professional colleagues etc.
Type of House: Apartment - Italy

Teaching Qualifications and Experience
I taught for 20 years Italian Literature and History in various High Schools. Then I wanted to face new working experiences and do business activity, so I set up a new Public Relations society. I organized Congresses and Conventions.
Later I attended the Linguistics Department at the University of Modena and I used the projects of the professors and educators of the University of Venezia, Pavia and Roma.
Hobbies and Interests
My hobbies and interests are: cooking, cinema, music, reading and travelling.
I have reserved a bedroom and a bathroom. The room is furnished with a comfortable single bed, a comfortable desk, a bookshelf, a stereo. A small wardrobe is next to the bedroom.
Excursions and Local Attractions
Location: Reggio Emilia is crossroads for road and rail connections between the main national roads. The center of an intense network of roads that unite her to the minor towns of the province with panoramic routes that run along streams, run up mountains and hills passing through green valleys. Of particular natural and historical interest is the Mathildic road, that takes its name from the Grand Duchess Mathilda of Canossa: medieval castles, fortresses and towers on top of hills that dominate gentle valleys. The most famous one is the Castle of Canossa (X century), then follow the Castle of Carpineti, of Garzano of Rossena, of Bianello. Every year from May to September historical parades in medieval costumes and performances are organized.
Culture: to the institutional initiatives, such as the rich and well organized City Library “A. Panizzi”, Municipal Museums, the Parmeggiani Gallery and the National Archives.