Type of Programme
One-to-One, personalised English tuition living full-board with the tutor's own family and in the tutor's own home, including local visits and excursions, meeting friends, neighbours and professional colleagues etc.
Type of House: Detached House - USA

Teaching Qualifications and Experience
Since 1993, Stuart has been teaching English in Japanese (JET program), Canadian (Quebec certified English teacher) and American (Georgia certified English teacher) classrooms. He has also taught private lessons to students from around the globe. Stuart has degrees in political science and education from Concordia University in Canada. He also has a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate from Kennesaw State University in the USA. English is his mother tongue. With extensive travel experience in over 20 countries, Stuart can also communicate in French, Jap
Hobbies and Interests
Traveling (20+ countries), bicycle commuting/touring, organic gardening, building computers, camping, sumo, sailing, kayak/canoe, skiing, and tennis.
English (native), French (professional), Japanese and Hebrew (limited), German & Spanish(elementary).
Large bedroom with a double bed and a study desk. Bedroom window has a forest view. Private closet and bathroom are included.
Excursions and Local Attractions
Atlanta Excursions(one per week):
- Atlanta Aquarium
- World of Coca-Cola
- High Museum of Art
- Fernbank Museum of Natural History
- Sporting Event
- Botanical Gardens
- Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
- Stone Mountain
- 6 Flags
- CNN Studio Tour
- Atlanta History Center
- Atlanta Cyclorama and Civil War Museum
Overnight Excursions (excluding holidays):
- Blue Ridge Mountains and white water
rafting or Savannah, Georgia are included for
homestays of 8 weeks or more.
- Weekend trip to Memphis, Tennesee, New
Orleans, Louisiana, or the beaches of Florida
is included with a 12 week stay.
Recreational Resources
- Video library with over 1000 titles
- 75 inch home theater for movies and games
- Cable TV, radio and WiFi in bedroom
- Bicycles (for local streets and nearby trails)
- Kayak (for lake 5 minutes from home)
- Tennis gear (courts are 5 minutes away)
- Wii game system
- Air hockey and table tennis
- Huge shopping mall (10 minutes away)
- Large forested property to enjoy nature