Amity Institute in San Diego International education exchange programs. Programs in the USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil.

The Institute
Eurolingua partner language school in USA

Amity Institute is a 50-year-old nonprofit organization facilitating international educational exchanges since 1962. Based in San Diego, California, Amity has arranged thousands of volunteer teaching opportunities in the USA and in Europe. During the assignment participants live with local host families and are immersed into the guest countries language and culture. What better way than to learn another language than to be exposed to it around the clock! Learn more..


Live - Learn - Teach in
Germany, Spain, Italy, and Brazil.

Certificates and Diplomas
Eurolingua partner language school in USA

Certificate of Completion at the end of the assignment.

Teaching Materials


Eurolingua partner language school in USA


Social and Cultural Activities

Locally arranged

Eurolingua partner language school in USA

Private room with a local host family at no cost to the participant.

Excursions and Visits

Locally arranged

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  • Methods of Payment - initial deposit on confirmed enrolment, balance 35 days before arrival
  • "Eurolingua News Desk - stay informed and updated by receiving your bi-weekly edition of our newsletter